Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Antelope Lake

This morning Antelope Lake is so smooth and calm. it looks like a sheet of glass. You can see every bird floating for miles.

The pelicans are out scooping up minnows. Off to the North ducks swim quacking happily.

A few evenings ago we had a strong wind blowing. The lake reminded me of an ocean with the waves crashing into shore.


nyuki said...

What a peaceful view,it must do your soul good. Do you have a great sitting spot out there yet?

lisa said...

Beautiful! Looks so peaceful!

Twisted Fencepost said...

Wow! What beautiful pics!
I can't imagine how peaceful it is there.

Paula said...

It's so beautiful and your pictures are like postcards! You must love looking out at that everyday.

Shelby said...

oh it is spectacular :)

Mary said...

Now, that looks relaxing.

Tipper said...

Oh Stacey-so so pretty-makes me want to visit you : )