Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dust Bunnies

Dust bunnies run rampant in our house.
Perhaps it's because we have a wood stove or because this is an old house, I don't know?
I do know, they seem to multiply very fast. Wouldn't it be great to find a market for the little critters.
I would box them up in special little crates, of coarse with nutritious dust bunny food and a bit of water for the trip.
They would arrive happy and healthy at their destination, ready to develop new colonies all over the world.


Mary said...

I would gladly help you start a dust bunny fan club. We could pool up our resources!

Adrienne said...

Ha ha! Mine have already started a colony ... the only problem is it's in MY house!

Shelby said...

I have 'em too.. yuk.

lisa said...

I have given up the dust bunny marathon along time ago. I dust when I get the time and enjoy the rest of my lovely life;)

Karen Sue said...

I try to keep them under cover,..you know, under the beds, under the DR table, under the end tables...actually where ever there is an under, they are! I've got a spider web collection going sometimes too. Please don't tell my mom.

Twisted Fencepost said...

Me too! I think we could corner the market on that "must have".

Glennis said...

As the old advets used to say Pledge and your duster go together. Your on to them.

Paula said...

I wonder what would happen if my Oregon dust bunnies met your North Dakota dust bunnies?