Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Turn the page Tuesday-Peace like a River

Peace like a River, by Leif Enger is a great book. It is written in the voice of eleven year old Reuben and is set in North Dakota and Minnesota.

Reub's family sets off on an adventure to find his brother Davy, who has become a fugitive of the law.

This book had been sitting on my shelf for over a year. I am glad to finally open it's cover to enjoy this grand story. I'm going to send it on to my brother Todd then he can pass it on to others.

"Raised on tales of cowboys and pirates, eleven-year-old Reuben Land has little doubt that miracles happen all around us, and that it's up to us to "make of it what we will." Reuben was born with no air in his lungs, and it was only when his father, Jeremiah, picked him up and commanded him to breath that his lungs filled. Reuben struggles with debilitating asthma from then on, making him a boy who knows firsthand that life is a gift, and also one who suspects that his father is touched by God and can overturn the laws of nature."


Adrienne said...

Oh wow. Sounds like we could all learn a little something from Ruben.

Thanks for participating ... gotta add this one to my list!

Paula said...

This sounds really good! Todd's going to love it and I'm going to try to find it as well.

Shelby said...

oh that sounds like a very good book.. so much to read! :)

Carol said...

Waw, it sounds really good!!!
I love the fact that he was raised with story tales, and pirates and cowboys, and that he knows how magical life is...

Yolanda said...

I haven't read this one but will put it on my to read list.