Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Beautiful Neighbor

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood,
a beautiful day for a neighbor.
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
Won't you be my neighbor?
"Theme Song from Mr. Rodgers"

This beautiful guy lives on a pretty little farm down the road from our place.


Paula said...

I want him to be my neighbor! I want you to be my neighbor!! heeheehee....Won't you be my neighbor?? There's a sweet little cottage down the street. Willie could sleep in and lounge around the house. LOL!!!!!

Unknown said...

I wish I could be your neighbor to Paula, but I can't imagin Willie sleeping in & loungeing around the house. I think he would need to get a fishing boat!

Susan said...

Oh, how I wish we could all be neighbors! What a chuckle I had thinking of Willie lounging around the house and sleeping late - I think Stacey would buy him the boat herself if that happened!!!!
The peacock looked like he was keeping his tail feathers low. Perchance the wind might have been blowing? In Wyoming peacocks have trouble showing off their assets - and it can make them cranky at times!