Saturday, December 17, 2011

New member of the family

 We added a new member to our family today.
Her name is Souri (French for mouse)
Souri is an Australian Shepherd, Great Pyrenees mix.
I think she will make a great farm dog.


Paula said...

She is so darn cute! Can't wait to meet her! You'll have to post pictures as she grows. It won't be long at all before she's much bigger than Penny. It's incredible how fast they grow in the beginning and totally fun to watch! Great Pyrennes puppies are very bumblish and clumsy as they grow too, so completely funny! Give her snuggles for me!

dad said...

looks cute and a lot of fun!!

Susan said...

I just want to pick her up and snuggle her cute little face! Keep those pictures coming so we can watch her grow, too. :)

Twisted Fencepost said...

Souri is adorable!!
Can't wait to watch him grow.

Adrienne said...

Ha! Mouse is going to one of those dogs where you say 'meet my dog Goliath' and out comes a chiuaua ... So cute!

Mary said...

Beautiful puppy! Glad she has such a loving home.