Sunday, December 30, 2012

Be inspired

  I took down the Christmas decorations and did a bit of redecorating. The fire place mantel was looking a bit drab, so I redistributed the decor that had been sitting above the fireplace and searched high and low for just the right pieces to accessorize our mantel. I think it looks much brighter and cheerier now.
 Out with the old and in with the new.
 on another note I've come up with my 2013 new years resolution. To be inspired and enjoy the good things life has to give. I want to surround myself with things that inspire me. Good music, pleasant scents, the wind blowing through my hair, watching the dogs, the sound of birds, gazing at the sky, skiing, skating and hiking, going out on the boat, an ice cold beer, ice tea, good memories, good books and there is so much more......
What inspires you?

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Quiet Christmas Day

A blanket of snow covered the land.
The temperature was 15 below.
The people had no place they had to go.
Gathering under the Christmas tree
they opened the presents from you and me.
The people feasted on ham, potatoes & corn.
They ate until they could hold no more.
Summer June berries made into a pie
was a delicious dessert
so good you would sigh.
Some of the people went out to play.
Then they all settled into the cozy cabin in the woods
and rested up for another day.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Santa Claus is coming to town

There is a tradition in the small town of Elgin Oregon
where I grew up. Santa comes in his bright red fire truck and brings bags of treats to every child in town. He stops at every house and bursts through the door with a jolly "Ho, Ho, Ho" handing out bags full of candy, peanuts and an orange.
              We always spent this special evening with Grandma Simmons when we where children.
                The tradition still continues to this day.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Turn The Page Tuesday- Beading Artistry

It's not a novel that has been holding my attention lately but a craft book. Beading Artistry for Quilts has three of my favorite things going for it. Beads, art & quilting. This book has beautiful pieces made by Thom Atkins. It has inspired me to start several projects.

This was an embroidery piece I picked up at a thrift store that I turned into a wall hanging embellished with beads.
Here is the next project I am working on.
This book has great ideas to bring your quilts to life. In fact I think I'm going to have to join "Quilters Anonymous"
 For more great books go to